“The world is full of magic things, waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”
William Butler Yeats
During the spring and summer of 2024, I photographed a pair of Red Shouldered Hawks as they diligently built a nest 80’ high in a towering oak tree. I watched them brood the eggs, then later care for and feed the nestlings who transformed before my eyes from white balls of fluff to strong young hawks finally fledging the nest. The startling changes that took place in a short time were extraordinary as was the attentiveness shown by the parent Hawks to their young. I marveled daily at how brilliantly and completely Nature takes care of its own.
This experience inspired my series “Nests,” places where magic happens.
Paintings are acrylic on canvas. All work in the Nest series measure 11” x 14” except Nest #1 (12” x 36”) and Nest #2 (20” x 16”).